Arkanditya Putra Tohas

Jumat, 30 April 2010

Trik Bermain Rubik

Berbagai Trik bermain Rubik

Kubus Rubik atau disingkat Rubik saja, adalah sebuah teka-teki berantai (puzzle maksudnya) mekanis yang berbentuk kubus dimana setiap sisinya dibagi menjadi 9 buah kotakan-kotakan kecil yg memiliki kelompok warna awalan yang sama untuk masing-masing sisinya (putih, merah, biru, oranye, hijau dan kuning) dan dapat diputar sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan kotakan-kotakan yang acak di masing-masing sisinya. Cara memainkannya adalah dengan mengacak dan mengembalikan kotakan-kotakan tersebut ke sisi-sisi yang sebenarnya sesuai dengan kelompok warnanya.

Permainan Rubik diberi nama oleh penciptanya “Magic Cube” )dan dipatenkan tahun 1975 di Hungaria. Meskipun begitu sebelumnya telah ada paten yang serupa di Kanada 1972 dan di Inggris 1974. Awalnya Rubik diciptakan sebagai alat pembelajaran bagi siswanya untuk menerangkan tentang objek 3D di tempatnya om Rubik ini bekerja di Department of Interior Design, Academy of Applied Arts and Crafts di Budapest sana. Kubus Rubik sejak awal dilisensikan kepada perusahaan Ideal Toys dan sejak tahun 1980 mengawali karir internasionalnya di London, Paris, Nuremberg (wherever it is) dan New York, termasuk produk2 bajakannya… oke imitasi lebih halusnya. Teknologi Rubik ini sempat pula mengalami sengketa hak paten dari si orang Kanada diatas dan juga orang Jepang , tetapi akhirnya om Rubik bisa mendapatkan US patent-nya pada tahun 1983. Pada tahun 2003 ada seorang penemu dari Yunani yg menemukan cara untuk membuat sejenis kubus rubik dengan tingat kotakan dari 5×5 sampai 11×11. Bila cermat dihitung jumlah kombinasi tingkat keacakan kubus rubik berkisar antara 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 (4.3×10^19) hingga 88,580,102,706,155,225,088,000 (8.9×10^22).

Meskipun nampaknya hanya utusan dari neraka saja yang bisa memecahkan rubik yang sudah diacak, manusia dengan 1001 keahlian, bisa menghilangkan uang koin bahkan orang, bisa menebak judul berita koran besok, bisa motong orang jadi 2 bagian, dan bisa menyelesaikan rubik dengan cepat, namun ada beberapa orang yang mempelajari teknik2 memecahkan teka-teki kubus siluman ini seperti: David Singmaster dan Alexander Frey (1982 – kurang dalam 1 menit), Daniel Kunkle dan Gene Cooperman (kurang dari 26 langkah menggunakan komputer), Tomas Rokicki ( kurang dari 22 langkah), Jessica Fridrich (kutukan siluman rubik 55 langkah), Philip Marshall ( 65 langkah), Lars Petrus dan yg terbaru adalah dari penulis favorit anda ini, arkofmind.

Karena begitu menariknya permainan ini, maka diselenggarakanlah kompetisi rubik pertama kali oleh Guinness Book of World Records di Munich, 13 Maret 1981 dengan pemenang Jury Froeschl, dengan catatan waktu 38 detik setelah diacak 40 kali (what the …). Dan Lomba internasional pertama di Budapest 5 Juni 1982, pemenangnya Minh Tai, dengan catatan waktu 22.95 detik.

Mungkin karena orang semakin cerdas semenjak VGA card dikeluarkan oleh IBM , permainan rubik menjadi sudah tidak menarik lagi untuk dikompetisikan dengan cara biasa, saat ini kompetisi dimainkan dengan cara yang agak nyeleneh yaitu: rubik buta (pemain diberi waktu melihat rubik yang sudah diacak, lalu memecahkannya dengan mata tertutup, rubik buta secara tim, memecahkan rubik didalam air dengan satu tarikan napas, rubik dengan satu tangan, maupun rubik dengan satu kaki.

Kubus Rubik adalah sebuah teka-teki mekanik ditemukan pada 1974 oleh pemahat dan profesor arsitektur Hungaria Ernő Rubik. Kubus ini terbuat dari plastik terdiri dari 26 kubus kecil yang berputar pada poros yang terlihat. Setiap sisi dari kubus ini memiliki sembilan permukaan yang terdiri dari enam warna yang berbeda. Ketika teka-teki ini terpecahkan setiap sisi dari kubus ini memiliki satu warna dan warna yang berbeda dengan sisi lainnya.Kubus ini dibuat kembali pada 1980 dan dipasarkan di dunia Barat pada Mei. Dan dikatakan merupakan mainan paling banyak terjual di dunia, dengan sekitar 300 juta kubus Rubik dan imitasinya terjual. Rekor tercepat dalam menyelesaikan Kubus Rubik (Rekor Indonesia) berhasil dicetak pada acara HUT MURI (Museum Rekor-Dunia Indonesia) pada tanggal 31 Januari 2007 di Hotel Grand Candi, Semarang. Catatan waktu yang dibukukan adalah 19,33 detik atas nama Abel Brata Susilo.

Definisi speedcubing adalah menyelesaikan Kubus Rubik dalam waktu secepat mungkin (dihitung waktunya). Di Indonesia sendiri speedcubing belum terlalu populer. Meskipun begitu, ada sekelompok anak-anak muda Jakarta yang memiliki hobi speedcubing, akhirnya sepakat membentuk JRCC (Jakarta Rubik’s Cube Club). Visi mereka adalah memopulerkan speedcubing agar sejajar dengan olahraga yang lain seperti catur, billiard, renang, dan sebagainya. Melalui misi mengadakan kompetisi-kompetisi dan kegiatan-kegiatan speedcubing baik yang bertaraf lokal maupun internasional. Sekretariat dan Pusat Pelatihan JRCC beralamat di LTC (Lindeteves Trade Center) Glodok, Lantai UG.

Rubik banyak ditemui di tempat-tempat penjualan mainan hanya saja, belakangan terlalu banyak toko yang mulai tidak mnejual rubiks ini, karena dianggap mainan kuno. Justru kalau pun ada, rubik terjual dengan sudah tertempelkan gambar Naruto dan lain lainnya yang dari kertas, sehingga dengan mudah kertas tersebut aus. Begitupula dengan Puzzle 15 karakter yang dulu pernah muncul, sekarang hanya muncul dalam bentuk software. Harga rubik versi mainan berkisar antara 8000 rupiah – 10000 rupiah. Rubik asli bisadidapatkan informasi dari internet, bisa berharga 10 dollar keatas untuk 3×3×3


Trik Bermain Rubik

Jumat, 16 April 2010

10 browser terbaik

Tambah Gambar[55-h_main.png]

An Internet browser is your window to the web, where you can find almost anything from the comfort of your own living room. Today, the Internet is widely used for media, research, communication, shopping and entertainment. The better your browser, the more you will see and experience.

Up–to–date web browsers are equipped with the latest features and technology to simplify, accelerate and enhance your Internet experience. The newest features include tabbed browsing, RSS feeds and voice interaction. Browsers are also more customizable and entertaining with skins, informative and fun widgets and additional add–ons.

Safety is a common concern among web surfers, and for good reasons. The number of hazards seems to grow every day. Viruses, spyware, phishing schemes and identity theft are some of the concerns. Other worries come from the threat of online predators and the appropriateness of material for children. Modern Internet browsers shield against all of these factors to keep you, your family and your PC safe.

Below are the criteria TopTenREVIEWS used to evaluate Internet browsers.

Features Set
Top–ranked Internet browsers offer many practical features that make surfing the web faster, easier and more convenient. A few of these features are tabbed browsing, thumbnail previews and an integrated search engine.

Ease of Use
Internet browsers ought to be simple to use so anyone, regardless of their knowledge of computers or the Internet, will feel comfortable using the web.

Security is one of the most important aspects of browsing the web. Internet browsers should protect against pop–ups, viruses and phishing frauds and allow you to clear personal information so you can feel confident while online.

Speed & Compatibility
Your internet browser should help you surf fast and efficiently. While the speed of your computer and internet connection account for most of the speed, not all browsers are created equal in regards to how fast they startup, process HTML and JavaScript. Likewise, not all internet browsers will open all pages correctly. The best browsers will open websites quickly and properly.

Although most browsers are free, quality customer support helps if you run into problems. Developers provide support through email, phone, FAQs, manuals and tutorials.

Lets Start!


Firefox 3.5

Publisher: Mozilla
Version: 3.5
Overall Rating
Features Set
Ease of Use
Speed & Compatibility

New to version 3.5 of Firefox is improved speed, a private browsing mode, even more security than in previous versions, open audio and video formats, and a bunch of additional improvements.

Features Set: Excellent

Mozilla Firefox has over 6,000 add-ons to customize and enhance your web browsing experience. Categories include blogging, tools, entertainment, humor, news, privacy and security, and more. You can add style to your browser with skins and themes. Or, equip your browser bar with a dictionary or add a media toolbar with games and other forms of entertainment.

Firefox 3.5 features the innovative (first in the world, in fact) use of open audio and video. With HTML 5 audio and video support (and the Ogg Theora open video format), you can expect a richer media experience with fewer format problems and plug-ins getting in the way. You can even save a video directly from the site to your desktop.

Firefox has tabbed browsing so you can quickly jump from site to site and open more than one website in the same browser window. Firefox also allows you to change the order of your tabs, and has a redo function for when you accidentally delete tabs. And now Firefox even has a single-click option to open new tabs, and the ability to pull a tab off and create a new window. There is an add–on for voice interaction so you can navigate the Internet through simple voice commands.

Firefox's integrated find-on-page function is slick and non-intrusive. You can easily find a word or phrase on a specific webpage without dealing with a pop-up window; Firefox puts the feature right into the bottom of the browser.

This is a great browser for students or others who conduct research on the Internet. Mozilla has developed virtual sticky notes so you can add your own notes to web pages, and they will be there when you return. The Library archives your browsing history and bookmarks for easy organization.

The innovative Smart Location Bar will adapt to your use and preferences. This handy tool makes it easy to return to websites you've previously visited, even if you don't remember the exact URL. The smart location bar helps you locate sites based on titles and content. The improved "Awesome Bar" has been refined and now includes privacy settings. One-click bookmarking makes it easy to organize your favorites. Firefox 3.5 also now includes anti-phishing, a pop-up blocker, password manager, and parental controls.

Another nice feature is the anywhere drag and drop, which allows you to drag text or a link from anywhere on a web page and put it directly into your search bar.

Ease of Use: Excellent

Firefox is well organized and intuitive. The browser has an easy–to–use interface that has all the essentials but isn’t cluttered. Firefox features are powerful and useful, yet simple.

Firefox 3.5 has several additional features that further improve usability. A fully integrated spell checker allows users to work directly on the web and still have spelling errors checked.

Another great function is an automatic session restore. When Firefox reopens you pick up where you left off, even if the browser closed unexpectedly or by accident. It's really nice to not have to spend time getting back to where you were. Session restore restores text you were writing in an email and even downloads you might have been in the middle of.

The Firefox download manager is easy to use and integrates simply with the browser interface. The download manager gives you the ability to pause downloads and then pick up where you left off. This straightforward resume function is even available after a system restart.

Security: Excellent

Finally, Firefox has integrated private browsing. With Firefox 3.5 you can easily enter and leave the private mode, browsing seamlessly in complete stealth. Furthermore, unlike other browser privacy modes, there is no noticeable icon or change to the interface in private mode.

Firefox protects against viruses, spyware, malware, phishing, and pop–ups. Firefox 3 has an integrated password manager, automated updates to help locate and fix security problems, and parental controls.

Another impressive browser security feature is the one-click site info. Simply click on the site in the location bar and you can view important safety information.

You can easily clear your personal information including history, cookies, passwords and web–form entries with the click of a button. New to version 3.5, you can even remove all traces of your visiting any specific site. Think of it as a selective private mode that can go back in time.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Firefox is a fast Internet browser and now it's even faster. Firefox 3.5 has upped the ante (twice as fast as the already competitive version 3), taking all web browsing and applications to the next level. We had no problems loading Firefox or quickly navigating from page to page. Firefox provides a fluid web browsing experience from start to finish, and boasts compatibility across the web. See how Firefox 3 compared to other browsers in our speed test.

Firefox 3.5 is fully equipped to accommodate multi-touch gestures with OSX and Windows 7.

Help/Support: Excellent

Mozilla provides lots of useful online documentation including FAQs, a knowledge base and tutorial. You can even get some help through email. The Mozilla team puts useful help right at your fingertips. The support center is searchable and includes standard help as well as personalized help in the form of live chat with the Firefox community. But even better than providing great support, Firefox makes it so that you won't need much help doing exactly what you want to do.


Firefox is a FREE download; the numerous add–ons are also free. This is a simple, user–friendly browser; and there are so many add–ons it is great for someone who likes to customize and construct their ultimate browsing application.

Firefox hosts a load of features and a top-notch security system in an intuitive program. And with tools like the smart keyword search toolbar and password manager, you can add productivity to your web experience. Firefox has all the essential features to make a great browser, with plenty of add-ons for each user to personalize. But more than having all the features, Firefox outperforms in its execution. Firefox has a sleek interface with all the right tools under the hood. Firefox is certainly our browser of choice, and they continue to deliver new and innovative features that keep us excited, making the web a whole new experience as they go.


Google Chrome

Publisher: Google, Inc.
Overall Rating
Features Set
Ease of Use
Speed & Compatibility

Features Set: Excellent

Google Chrome has a load of easy-to-use features and tools. Chrome takes the traditional toolbar and turns it on end, placing the tabs on top. Google further develops the tab-centric focus with several unique tab features. You can drag tabs from the browser to make new windows, rearrange tabs, and even duplicate tabs. And because each tab is run independently in the browser, if one tab crashes it won’t ruin your whole session.

Chrome features an Incognito mode, so you can browse in private. This stealth browsing mode allows you to open sites and even download files without affecting your histories. Additionally, cookies and passwords are deleted after you close the incognito window. You can even have one browser window open in normal mode and another in incognito mode.

The download manager of Chrome is inconspicuous, integrated at the bottom of the tab where the downloading is occurring. Chrome also has an integrated find on page feature, which appears near the top right corner.

Another nice feature is the anywhere drag and drop, which allows you to drag text or a link from anywhere on a web page and put it directly into your search bar. The smart toolbar gives helpful suggestions while you are typing in it, and makes it easy to revisit a previously viewed site that you’ve forgotten because the toolbar searches through titles as well as actual in-page text.

Ease of Use: Excellent

Google Chrome is well organized and fairly intuitive. The simple interface is anything but cluttered, but gives users the tools they need at hand. Google Chrome features are powerful and effective, yet simple to use. The frame is thin, and Google Chrome even allows users to launch certain web apps in their own window, without the toolbar and url box, taking fullscreen views to a new level.

Google Chrome adds a whole new level of simplicity to web applications. You can run a web application in a designated window and have it feel more like distinct software. You can create desktop shortcuts that when opened, reveal your desired web application without tabs, address bars, or even buttons. You can even use the “Google Gears” to create shortcuts (desktop, start menu, and quick launch bar) for your newly created application window. Google Chrome helps bridge the gap between your desktop and online applications.

The tabs in Google Chrome are designed to be simple and help you utilize tabbed browsing in a whole new way. Like other browsers, you can easily rearrange tabs, create new ones, and even transfer tabs from one window to another very easily. But the dynamic tabs in Google Chrome can also be pulled out from the browser to create a whole new window. Furthermore, the visual tabs in Chrome simply get smaller and still display all of them rather than in a side-scrolling fashion like other browsers.

Another unique tab feature that simplifies your browsing is related tabs. When a new tab is created from an existing tab, the new tab is placed next to the originating or parent tab, rather than at the end of your list of tabs. This makes it much easier to keep related tabs organized and grouped together, as they naturally should be.

Chrome does a good job with providing the essential tools (and more) easily at hand, but not bombarding users with extra toolbars and extra buttons. The interface is simple and intuitive, but doesn't draw your attention away from the actual web content. In these regards, less browser is more.

Security: Excellent

Chrome is safe and secure, protecting from phishing schemes, malware, pop-ups, and viruses. Chrome warns you if you’re about to access an unsafe website. You can have Chrome remember your passwords or opt not to.

Google Chrome uses “sandboxing”, which makes every tab run independently in the browser. This is great because if a certain application crashes, it will stay isolated to the tab it’s in, not affecting any other tabs. Different processes run separately in their own tab. This technique helps prevent malware from installing itself on your computer and also stops one tab from taking control of all others. Once you close a tab, that process is completely terminated.

Another innovative feature that Google takes from traditional operating systems and applies to internet browsing is a task manager. Users can open the online task manager and see which websites and applications are running and how much computer memory they are using. Users can even check out the "stats for nerds" section and see detailed information about browser memory usage and the processes running.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Google Chrome is fast. We had no problems downloading or installing Chrome. Initializing Chrome for the first time of the day is very fast, as is the average time it takes to open subsequent times. Navigation time is remarkably fast as well. See how we timed browser speeds .

Google has taken initiative in making Chrome very compatible with the Internet. Chrome was specifically designed to quickly and efficiently load, display, and interact with the huge variety of applications on the web.

Help/Support: Excellent

Google Chrome has an in-depth help center with help in a variety of categories. The knowledge center has resources to help get new users started, and help advanced users customize their experience. Users can also check on known problems and add comments or suggestions online.

Google Chrome has an online Help Group where users can post issues and interact with other users and an official Google Guide.


Chrome is a great Internet browser, and certainly worth looking into. The user interface manages to look no-frills while still containing all the bells and whistles. Google Chrome has some tremendous features and is very usable. With Google just recently launching the browser and it being developed through open source, we look forward to what Google Chrome will offer in the future. For now, it’s a great browser, definitely worth downloading and trying.


Internet Explorer 8

Publisher: Microsoft
Version: 8
Overall Rating
Features Set
Ease of Use
Speed & Compatibility

Features Set: Excellent

Microsoft offers a variety of add–ons to customize Internet Explorer 8 and provides the features that will help you make the most of the web. There are four different categories of add–ons: security, time savers, browsers and entertainment. In each category you’ll find a number of downloads, each with a description. Many are free, but some you’ll have to purchase.

Internet Explorer incorporates tabbed browsing. With tabbed browsing, you are able to switch quickly between open websites and you can open more than one website in a single browser window.

Another notable feature is an integrated search window. You can choose to search with your favorite search engine or through other informative websites like Wikipedia, and TopTenREVIEWS. Additionally, IE offers RSS feeds, a synchronize tool and a password manager, so you can further benefit from the array of information on the Internet.

Internet Explorer 8 has a private browsing mode, which stops the browser from adding any sites you visit to your history. InPrivate mode also prevents your computer from picking up temporary Internet files, form data, cookies, usernames, and passwords.

Internet Explorer also now has a smart toolbar, offering search suggestions based on your previous browsing and even visual previews.

Ease of Use: Excellent

Internet Explorer 8 is fairly intuitive and easy to use. Making new tabs couldn't be easier. The Internet Explorer interface has the essentials right where you need them, and isn't cluttered.

Security: Excellent

Internet Explorer 8 has enhanced security features. It protects against viruses, spyware, pop–ups and phishing schemes. You can download additional security tools from the add–ons list on their homepage. You can also easily clear your personal information and stored cookies.

IE provides security for the entire family and offers extensive parental controls to protect children against web predators and inappropriate content.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Internet Explorer is pretty quick. And while not technically the speediest browser, we had no problems quickly browsing, and certainly no issues with compatibility problems. Check out our time trials to see which browsers performed faster than Internet Explorer.

Help/Support: Excellent

Internet Explorer comes with first–class help and support. You can find answers to your questions in the online content. The FAQs page has answers to common questions or you can search the database by keyword to find specific information. Furthermore, Microsoft offers personal assistance by phone or email.


Internet Explorer is a household name and is used by more people than any other browser. Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 makes a good browser even better by incorporating private browsing, improved security and a sleek, user–friendly interface. If you have a PC you will already have Internet Explorer, so definitely upgrade to version 8 if you haven't.


Opera 9.6

Publisher: Opera
Version: 9.6
Very Good
Overall Rating
Features Set
Very Good
Ease of Use
Very Good
Speed & Compatibility

Opera sings to a different tune, and it sounds great. This browser has all of the entertaining and practical features that will not only make surfing the web functional, but also fun.

Just a few of the outstanding features include interactive voice, quick find, thumbnail previews, mouse gestures and customizing skins. This is one of the only browsers that has interactive voice commands. You can navigate the web by talking to the browser, and Opera will even read text to you.

Configure Opera to fit your needs and your style. Arrange panels, toolbars and buttons and choose from several unique skins and various widgets.

Opera has a dedicated user-base and reasonably so with all of its innovative features. However, we couldn't overlook some fairly serious compatibility issues. We look forward to Opera becoming a bigger household name and getting better compatibility web-wide.

Features Set: Excellent

Opera offers a combination of features unlike any other Internet browser that will allow you to experience the web a new way. For example, through voice commands you can navigate the web and even have Opera read the text to you. We were skeptical, but the feature works great. The browser offers tabbed browsing, complete with the ability to save tabs and even undelete them. Opera also boasts the ability to surf the web utilizing mouse gestures.

Other convenient browsing features include an integrated search function, quick find, and customizable toolbars. Furthermore, you can cascade or tile web pages to view and work on more than one page at a time. You can use Opera Link to sync bookmarks and Speed Dials with your mobile phone.

Through Opera, you are able to customize your web experience. They offer a large database of skins so you can change the appearance of your browser. Choose from hundreds of widgets to make your web experience more enjoyable. Widgets are small programs like games, news, tools and more.

Another standout feature is thumbnails that appear as you mouse over a tab, so you can visually jog your memory without going to the site. One thing Opera is missing is parental controls.

Ease of Use: Excellent

The browser is user–friendly and because it is so customizable, it will adapt to you-not the other way around. All of the buttons are well labeled so you’ll have no problem finding what you’re looking for, even the first time you use the browser. Opera is fairly intuitive and simple to learn and use.

Security: Excellent

Opera allows you to customize your security settings. This browser protects against pop–ups, spyware, viruses and phishing schemes. You can also clear all of your personal information with just a click.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Opera claims to be the fastest browser on earth and on most accounts it delivers. Opera is fast at startup, fast at loading, and fast at running applications. However, Opera has had struggles with compatibility with some websites since it isn't as well known as Internet Explorer or Firefox. Refer to our time trials to see how Opera performs and where it needs improvement.

Help/Support: Excellent

You can purchase a premium support package that comes with email support. However, there is enough online information you really shouldn’t need the extra help. You’ll find tutorials, FAQs and a knowledge base on the Opera help page. You can also join a user forum to learn from other users.


Though not as popular as some of the other Internet Browsers, we rank Opera highly due to its customization abilities and extensive features. Even with the additional features, we found Opera easy to use. This is a FREE download and you can access the Opera mobile and mini browsers as well. Opera is fast, has many great features, and is extremely customizable. Opera is a great browser as an alternative or addition to Firefox, Google Chrome, and/or Internet Explorer.


Safari 4

Publisher: Apple
Version: 4
Very Good
Overall Rating
Very Good
Features Set
Ease of Use
Very Good
Speed & Compatibility

Safari is not an Apple exclusive anymore; the top-notch browser is now available for PCs as well. Safari provides the Mac look and feel in Internet browsing. It is complete with tabbed browsing that includes a save tabs feature.

Safari focuses on being lightweight and non-obtrusive rather than customizable. Hence the sleek interface isn't bulky and the frame is only one pixel wide.

Some nice features include the development of Top Sites, spell checking for all fields, resizable text boxes, and snapback.

Safari competes with our top browsers, but lacks some features like parental controls, anti-phishing, and a smart toolbar.

Features Set: Excellent

Safari's features are comparable to the other top-notch browsers. Additional features include spell checking, snapback, and resizable text boxes. One standout feature is integration of Top Sites, a feature exclusive to Safari which offers an at-a-glance preview of your favorite websites. We also like the colored progress bar on the toolbar that shows how fast a page is loading and how close it is to being complete.

Safari does not incorporate anti-phishing technology nor does it include parental controls. We also would have liked to see more customization possibilities.

Ease of Use: Excellent

If you are comfortable on a Mac, Safari comes naturally. Those unfamiliar with Macs may struggle at first. However, at the roots, Safari is similar to most of our top rated browsers and would be easy to figure out.

Security: Excellent

Safari blocks pop-ups, spyware, and viruses, but not phishing schemes.

Clearing your history and information from forms is simple, especially with the development of Safari’s Full History Search option, which is a Mac-esc way of viewing where you’ve been on the Web.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Safari is a very fast browser, outperforming some on its native platform. The built in progress bar lets you see how fast it is actually going. Safari is compatible with most of the web.

Help/Support: Excellent

Apple provides good support for their products and Safari is no exception. You can find help online, in tutorials and a FAQ, or ask questions in a user forum.


Safari is a solid web browser, and has most of the features a good browser should. If you want to have the Apple touch in your Internet, Safari is the way to go. However, we recommend our higher ranked browsers that feature a smart toolbar, parental controls, and more customization. See our reviews of better internet browsers, including Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer.


Maxthon 2.5

Publisher: Maxthon International Ltd
Version: 2.5
Very Good
Overall Rating
Features Set
Very Good
Ease of Use
Very Good
Speed & Compatibility

Maxthon is a versatile browser that you can tailor to fit your web browsing needs. Customization options include the security settings, the interface layout, and useful plugins that you can download like a personal information management tool, decorative skins and the Google Toolbar.

Maxthon lacks a few features higher–ranked browsers offer including thumbnail previews, parental controls, a smart toolbar, and anti-phishing technology.

Features Set: Excellent

With the Maxthon download comes some features that will increase your surfing speed. The convenient drag and drop feature allows you to drag a web address from an email, Word document or just about anywhere to the address window and Maxthon will take you there.

Through tabbed browsing, you can quickly jump from site to site and open a number of sites in one browsing window. When you're done searching the web, simply save the group of sites and you can resume at a later time. Maxthon even lets you reopen closed tabs in an undo function. To ensure fluid viewing within tabbed browsing, Maxthon uses anti-freeze technology.

Mouse Gestures make it so you don’t have to find and click buttons on the tool bar. You can navigate the web through movements of the mouse.

Other nice features include the magic fill for forms, a built-in feed reader, and a url Alias.

Ease of Use: Excellent

At the end of each session, the browser prompts you if you want to save your session. This is handy if you’re interrupted while surfing the web—you can start right where you ended.

If you’re accustomed to Internet Explorer’s layout, you’ll have no problem finding your way around Maxthon. All of the buttons are well labeled and you can customize the browser bar to fit your needs.

Security: Excellent

Maxthon blocks pop–up ads and normal advertisements if you choose. Furthermore, you can clear the entire browser in one step making it easy to keep your personal information personal.

Maxthon protects from viruses and spyware, and includes a trusted website check, but doesn't protect against phishing.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Maxthon boasts anti-freeze technology to make browsing as fluid as possible, as well as smart acceleration to improve speed of the pages you visit the most. Maxthon has similar compatibility to Internet Explorer.

Help/Support: Excellent

Maxthon offers online help, including FAQs, on their website. There are also a number of help options available from the browser bar. You can read the tip of the day, look through the user’s guides or search for a specific topic in the help database. If you have further questions, contact Maxthon by email.


Maxthon has received various awards and we also rank it among the best. However, to be at the top of our list the developers will have to add a few more features to keep up with the competition. Furthermore, Maxthon is not available for Mac computers. For a better browser, see Firefox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer.


Flock 2

Flock 2

Publisher: Flock
Version: 2
Very Good
Overall Rating
Very Good
Features Set
Very Good
Ease of Use
Very Good
Speed & Compatibility

Flock is the Internet browser targeted towards social butterflies. Flock is the Mozilla powered browser that specifically meets the needs of online social networkers by helping you keep informed when friends post or a favorite site is updated. It has a slick interface and plenty of features.

Flock is equipped to keep you up to date with your contacts from Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, etc.

Flock is a great browser for online social networking, but falls a bit short compared to some of our higher ranked browsers in regards to features and utility.

Features Set: Excellent

While Flock does include most of the standard features like tabbed browsing, an integrated search engine, and a spell checker, it doesn't have parental controls, a smart toolbar, or at a glance security.

Flock has plenty of tools built in to help you if you want to share photos, news, or simply your life story. Plus you can easily drag and drop to share videos, text, or favorite links.

Ease of Use: Excellent

Flock's slick interface is fairly intuitive and user-friendly. We had no problems navigating the Internet using Flock.

Security: Excellent

The Flock Internet browser is secure, with pop-ups, viruses, and spyware being blocked. You can also clear your browsing history quickly.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Though a little slower to load, Flock does a good job of keeping your web movement quick and easy. We had no issues with compatibility.

Help/Support: Excellent

Flock has provided several ways to get help if you need it. You can get support online, and through tutorials, FAQs, and user forums.


Flock is an ideal browser for keeping you up to date with your online social contacts, but for other browsing you may wish to use one of our higher ranked internet browsers. You might consider using Flock as a secondary browser to keep in touch with friends, with Firefox or Google Chrome as your main browser.


Avant Browser 11.7

Publisher: Avant Force
Version: 11.7
Very Good
Overall Rating
Very Good
Features Set
Very Good
Ease of Use
Speed & Compatibility

Features Set: Excellent

Our only major complaint with the features of Avant Browser is the lack of parental controls and ability to synchronize. Avant does utilize tabbed browsing, an integrated search engine, and several other features.

Avant Browser allows you to enter a full screen mode, and also has a nice minimize button that removes the windows from everywhere except your bottom right toolbar.

Ease of Use: Excellent

We have no major complaints with the utility and simplicity of Avant Browser. The undo tab feature is appreciated.

Security: Excellent

Avant Security blocks pop-ups, but not phishing. You can remove your browsing history and cookies simply, just like in Internet Explorer.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

Avant claims to be the fastest web browser on earth, but our time trials suggest otherwise. Avant Browser has the same compatibility as Internet Explorer. To see how we tested internet speed, refer to our time trial methodology .

Help/Support: Excellent

Avant Browser provides users with support through email or user forums, but has no tutorials or user guide.


Avant Browser has some nice features and functionality, but doesn't impress in comparison to several of the other browsers. The basic mouse gestures are nice, but don't carry Avant Browser to greatness.

See the top rated Internet Browser, Firefox. Or for an alternative browser that incorporates mouse gestures, check out Opera.


Deepnet Explorer 1.5

Publisher: Deepnet Security Ltd
Version: 1.5
Very Good
Overall Rating
Features Set
Very Good
Ease of Use
Speed & Compatibility
Very Good

Deepnet Explorer is a fair browser in that it has a handful of features, but nothing that overly impresses. Deepnet Explorer's primary focus is on facilitating P2P networking and RSS feeds. It offers several useful tools and features, but fails to deliver all that the best browsers do.

Features Set: Excellent

Deepnet Explorer aims to please with most of the features found in better browsers. This browser includes saved tabs, a limited zoom function, and some add-ons to customize. But Deepnet Explorer falls a bit short when it comes to some additional features like spell checking, a password manager, or automatic updates.

The only stand-out feature is the at-a-glance security found on each tab.

Ease of Use: Excellent

Though not always as intuitive as our higher ranked Internet browsers, Deepnet Explorer usually allows you to do what you want to do. Tabbed browsing is utilized, complete with a save session function. The at-a-glance security button on each tab is a nice addition, but there is no way to quickly delete a tab. The interface is customizable, but seems sort of clunky.

Security: Excellent

Deepnet Explorer does block pop-ups and has anti-phishing. It doesn't however, block spyware or viruses.

You can delete your Internet browsing history and saved passwords just like in Internet Explorer.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

We had no problems viewing the web quickly and easily using Deepnet Explorer.

Help/Support: Excellent

Deepnet provides plenty of help for users with problems, from online and email support to a user's manual.


Deepnet is not a very good alternative to our higher ranked Internet browsers. We would like to see some additional features like a smart toolbar or parental controls. Consider using Firefox to get these features and more.Or consider our other highly ranked internet browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Opera.


PhaseOut 5

Publisher: PhaseOut
Version: 5
Overall Rating
Very Good
Features Set
Very Good
Ease of Use
Speed & Compatibility

PhaseOut is a flash-based shell for Internet Explorer. It adds some really impressive looking graphics and customizable skins to your web browsing experience. If futuristic looks and space inspired graphics are your thing, you might want to consider PhaseOut.

Features Set: Excellent

PhaseOut has most of the essential features, but still lacks some of the nice bonus features such as a password manager, feeds, or parental controls.

Ease of Use: Excellent

PhaseOut aims to be completely customizable and tailored to easy surfing. While the remote function is innovative, it seems unnecessary and doesn't add a lot of utility. PhaseOut provides most of the tools of a good browser, but they are not as easy to use as we would like.

Security: Excellent

PhaseOut comes with top-notch security features, including anti-phishing. Since it's Internet Explorer based you can also remove your browsing history quickly.

Speed & Compatibility: Excellent

PhaseOut is completely compatible with Internet Explorer, but on our computers ran a bit slower than we'd like. The futuristic look is neat, but not if you have to sacrifice speed.

Help/Support: Excellent

PhaseOut does not provide a whole lot of help for new users. There is a FAQ and email support, but no user manual, no online helps or tutorials, and no user forums.


PhaseOut is a neat idea, but the browser seems a bit too distracting. The interface seemed just a little too busy and sacrificed speed. PhaseOut is interesting, but not very intuitive, and lacking in features. We recommend using Firefox with an add-on skin if you need to personalize your browser's look. Or compare PhaseOut with Google Chrome or Opera.

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